The world we live in is such a beautifuly crafted and diversified place. With defferent people, geographical landscapes, races, oceans, plants, trees, grasses and animals, just to name the few. And if we love this world of ours, then we should treat it with more respect, love and understand. To treat the world with love means to take care of all the many variety of things and people we see around us in this beautiful world irrespective of what these thingsor people might look like it could be tall or short appauling or non-appauling. But one thing we should never forget is that all these creatures and objects around us are what makes our world so beautiful, so diverse and so unique.
loving the world means exploiting it's natural resources-renewable or non-renewable with care and prudence taking into consideration the short and long term effects on the environment. If we love the world we are living in then will not go around exploiting the natural resources that it has made available to us indiscriminately as if to ruin or rob then from it because we will only ruin our own very selves. If we love the world then we will exploit
Loving the world also means polluting it less or not polluting it at all. If we love the world then we would control our degree of pollution and the amount of pollutants we send in it's oceans, dump on it's land and send in the air. Meaning that we would treat our world with love and jealousy keeping it always clean just as we always keep that our expensive car or villa clean and spotless. If we can do this the that will be some prove that we really love this world we are living in.
Loving the world will also mean treating it's people with respect and fairness. This means that we will stop all forms of descrimination and most importantly racial descrimination. We will not descriminate against other people of the world just because of their race or origin. We will not descriminate against peopl because of their physical or metal condition. We will not descriminate against people because of their language. We will not descriminate against people because of their choice of live. And finally we will not descriminate aginst people because of their age. Just to name that few. There will be no kind of social or economic or politrical descrimination. If we really love thne world then we should show this love by loving the people of the world no matter their skin colour, race, age, language or physical condition is.
Loving the world also means we should stop producing weapons meant to destroy it. In this light we should stop immediately from producing weapons of mass destruction such as the Atomic bomb and other nuclear weapons meant to destroy all forms of life in the world. We should stop investing millions to do recearch on bacteria weapons and or sohpisticated war jets. If we really love this world we are living in the we will put all our already possessed weapons of mass destruction in the storage and forget that they do exist or just destroy them and all their production methods, plans and technics, and stop producing new weapons of the like.
Loving the world will also mean that we should strive to achieve a global and genuine world peace void of cohersion and economic or political interests. But a peace as an end not as a means. In this light all wars that are being fought around the world should be stop and genuine peace restored and all the states and nations of the world come together as one big family, "The world family". If we raelly love the world then we will all be agents of peace and not war. We will try to plant grains of happiness, love and understand and not discontent and hatred. If we can do all of these and the above then, The World We Live In will surely know feel our love.
I love the world we live in. What about you?
It's time for action. What's your action?
All article written edited and posted by A P Geofrey.
This is beautiful! Thanks so much for touching my heart today!